Category Archives: News

AAUW Atlantic Regional Conference

Empowering for Equity
September 27 – 29, 2024

Early Bird Registration –  $209.00

After September 6, 2024  –  $225.00


AAUW Murfreesboro Nominates Lee Anne Carmack and Dr. Adelle Monteblanco for ATHENA Awards

AAUW Murfreesboro is proud to nominate Lee Anne Carmack for the Rutherford ATHENA Award and Dr. Adelle Monteblanco for the Rutherford ATHENA Young Professional Award.

We also extend our congratulations to Courtney Chavez, our financial officer, who was nominated by United Way of Rutherford and Cannon Counties.

To learn more about Lee Anne and the other ATHENA nominees, visit this page:

To learn more about Dr. Monteblanco and the other ATHENA Young Professional nominees, please visit this page:


[Call-to-Action] Degree Requirement Vote – April 7 – Make Sure Your Email Is Up-to-Date in MSD

All, AAUW National will be conducting a VOTE TO AMEND OUR BYLAWS TO ALLOW MEMBERSHIP BY INDIVIDUALS WHO DO NOT HOLD A DEGREE from April 7, 2021 to May 17, 2021.

Call-to-Action: PLEASE VOTE

  1. Make sure your Email address is UP-TO-DATE in the MSD as National will be sending an email with a link to voting
  2. Reminder emails will go out


All voters without a valid email on file with the national office will be sent a reminder via snail mail. Paper ballots can be requested from on or before April 16, 2021. Paper ballots must be postmarked by April 30, 2021.


  • The Degree Requirement is exclusionary, when our mission and value strive for inclusivity, diversity and equity for all.
  • AAUW will remain committed and focused on education! And all Fellowships are fully funded.
  • Both the National Board and the Tennessee Board support Amending the Bylaws.

Re: RBG – Urge TN Senators to Follow Their Own Precedent

Here is some information you can use for contacting Sen. Lamar Alexander and Sen. Marsha Blackburn. Please email them to voice your support to delay naming a Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg replacement until we have a new President:

In 2016 Senator Lamar Alexander said “…Supreme Court vacancy “should not be filled until we have a new president. I believe it is reasonable to give the American people a voice by allowing the next president to fill this lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.”

These others led by Mitch McConnell agreed:
Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, David Perdue, Chuck Grassley, Thom Tillis, Richard Burr, Ry Blunt, Cory Gardner, Rob Portman and Ron Jackson.

Please take action now….

TN NCCWSL Scholarship Nomination Deadline for 2020

As we begin a new year with AAUW, it is time to begin thinking about NCCWSL Scholarship nominations. AAUW-TN will be offering 2 scholarships this year!!* The deadline for nominations is November 1, 2020 and students who are nominated must have their applications submitted by November 15, 2020. Complete information about the nomination process, including testimonies from past student recipients can be found at

*Note: The 2 scholarships this year are in addition to the 3 awarded last year.  Students receiving last year’s scholarships will be going to the 2021 Conference.

AAUW of Tennessee is proud to offer opportunities for leadership development for university and college women in Tennessee through scholarships to attend the National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL).  NCCWSL is a two-and-a-half day conference designed to enhance the leadership skills of college women students and to promote effectiveness in their work on campus and in the community. For more information about NCCWSL go to In the past 3 years Tennessee has selected 2 to 3 recipients each year. For 2021, NCCWSL will be held May 26-29, 2021, at the University of Maryland, College Park.

Please note the following information related to the Scholarship application process:

  1. Nominations of potential applicants must be submitted by the College/University (C/U) Partner representative, branch president, or branch NCCWSL representative.
  2. Each C/U member representative (university) and each branch will be limited to nominating only 2 students each for scholarship consideration.
  3. To be considered, the student MUST currently be attending a 2 or 4-year college or university in the State of Tennessee.
  1. As part of the narrative the applicant submits, they will be asked to include their involvement with AAUW. (Please encourage any students you are considering nominating to become involved in AAUW;  we want our students to become professional members as they graduate and begin their professional careers. So now is the time to become involved.)
  2. If selected for the scholarship, the student will be asked to give back to AAUW-TN through 4 hours of volunteer work related to AAUW (tabling, distributing AAUW materials, etc.) of which one activity must be speaking to a group which includes AAUW members.  This is in addition to submitting a written summary of their experience with pictures.

Each year AAUW College/University Partners in Tennessee and AAUW Tennessee Branches have the opportunity to nominate undergraduate students currently attending a college/university in Tennessee for AAUW-TN scholarships to attend NCCWSL. Scholarships cover conference registration (including lodging and meals). AAUW Tennessee branches and AAUW College/University Partners who nominate students are expected to contribute to their travel expenses if they receive AAUW-TN scholarships.  AAUW-TN has awarded college women the NCCWSL Scholarship since 2005. Thanks to The Tennessee Women Project for sponsoring one of our scholarships throughout the years. Attached you will find the official Call for Nominations. Complete information, including testimonies from past student recipients can be found at When a nomination is received, the student will be contacted to let them know of their nomination and be sent an application form.

Please contact Sue Byrd, at  if you have questions.

Sue Byrd, AAUW-TN NCCWSL Scholarship Publicity Chair




Murfreesboro: GOTV Campaign at Farmers Market & Early Voting Schedules

Murfreesboro branch set up a booth at their local Farmer’s market to help register voters ~

Murfreesboro AAUW doing registering voters outdoors, while social distancing and using masks to keep everyone as safe as possible!

If in person registration does not feel like a safe option for your branch, send an email to members and friends with links to online registration.


Davidson county has already published their Early Voting Schedule for November – a quick google search will help you find the early voting schedule for your county.

Woman Suffrage Hero’s Story Revealed in “Why Can’t Mother Vote?”

News out of Memphis!

MEMPHIS, Tenn.Aug. 25, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — As the national woman suffrage centennial celebration continues, there’s a new book from author Bill Haltom about the unsung hero of Tennessee’s final ratification, Rep. Joseph Hanover of Memphis.

The book, Why Can’t Mother Vote: Joseph Hanover and the Unfinished Business of Democracy, tells the story of a Jewish immigrant from Poland who believed so strongly that women should vote that he ran for the Tennessee General Assembly to support woman suffrage. He revered this country’s founding documents and always questioned why his mother couldn’t vote. He strongly supported the partial suffrage bill that passed in Tennessee in April 1919 granting women the right to vote in municipal and presidential elections only. Later, he became the House floor leader during the raucous special session of August 1920 when Tennessee was the last state that could possibly ratify the 19th Amendment.


Whiskey Almost Derailed Suffrage

News shared from Knoxville Branch

In the summer of 1920, Tennessee Gov. A.H. Roberts called a special session in Nashville for legislators to vote whether to ratify the 19th Amendment.

With women’s right to vote on the line – if Tennessee voted yes, the amendment would become the law of the land – suffragists and anti-suffragists swarmed the city and set up their headquarters at The Hermitage Hotel, the bastion for the battle that ensued.

The hallways of the hotel were like trenches, and the lobby was the battlefield.

Suffragists shot accusations, and antis fired insults back, each side wearing roses like battle emblems, yellow for the suffragists, red for the antis.

But the antis had a secret weapon – the Jack Daniel’s Suite, a wild room on the eighth floor where legislators were wooed and boozed by liquor lobbyists allied with the antis.

The room is still shrouded in mystery because it was illegal – Prohibition was newly in place just that January – but the hotel’s historian Tom Vickstrom and suffrage researchers have preserved some of the stories from its time.

Read the full story!